Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 3 Post - Sound Recording and Synesthesia

The sound recording assignment was an interesting project to explore sound around us. Finding ways to emulate common sound effects without access to the intended outcome was interesting. For instance, I used opening a box to make it sound like a creaking door. It also allowed me to note all the small sounds you ignore happening around you all the time. They made it difficult to get clean sound files, which should have been expected. If I were to redo this assignment, I would choose different sounds for the ambience, since most were very lacking.

In terms of Synesthesia, I was partially familiar with this topic from some previous videos I saw on the topic. One was an animation depicting how there was a symphony of colour and images around a person simply just sitting in their room. The concept is quite hard to understand, since I personally couldn’t imagine seeing everything I hear.  The crossing of any senses is impossible to grasp completely unless you were to suffer from the condition.
With Cymatics, it’s interesting to see the tracking made by sound vibrations. I can understand this one slightly more since I do so much audio editing with podcasts and dialogue recordings. In the process, I’ve come to read sound waves successfully. The patterns formed in Cymatics are not linear as an audio wave, but if the entire vibration sequence was sequenced, I’m sure it would be similar.

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